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Apply a function over each element in the non-empty list.
`map f xs` applies the function `f` to all elements of the list `xs` and returns the list of results (in the same order as `xs`).
Note: This is only supported in Daml-LF 1.11 or later. This module exports the generic map type `Map k v` and associated functions. This module should be imported qualified, for example: ``` import DA.Map (Map) import DA.Map qualified as M ``` This will give access to the `Map` type, and the various operations as `M.lookup`, `M.insert`, `M.fromList`, etc. `Map k v` internally uses the built-in order for the type `k`. This means that keys that contain functions are not comparable and will result in runtime errors. To prevent this, the `Ord k` instance is required for most map operations. It is recommended to only use `Map k v` for key types that have an `Ord k` instance that is derived automatically using `deriving`: ``` data K = ... deriving (Eq, Ord) ``` This includes all built-in types that aren't function types, such as `Int`, `Text`, `Bool`, `(a, b)` assuming `a` and `b` have default `Ord` instances, `Optional t` and `[t]` assuming `t` has a default `Ord` instance, `Map k v` assuming `k` and `v` have default `Ord` instances, and `Set k` assuming `k` has a default `Ord` instance.
The `Map a b` type represents an associative array from keys of type `a` to values of type `b`. It uses the built-in equality for keys. Import `DA.Map` to use it.
Replaces parameters in a claims using the input mapping functions. This can be used to e.g. map the time parameter in a claim from `Date` to `Time`, or to map the asset type parameter from an abstract `Text` to a concrete `InstrumentKey`.
The functor map operation _and_ also map any parameters to keys. For example, could map the param "spot" to an ISIN code "GB123456789". Also contra-maps time parameter, i.e. from relative time values to absolute ones. @ mapParams identity = bimap
Map each element of a structure to an action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and ignore the results. For a version that doesn't ignore the results see 'DA.Traversable.mapA'.
The `mapAccumL` function combines the behaviours of `map` and `foldl`; it applies a function to each element of a list, passing an accumulating parameter from left to right, and returning a final value of this accumulator together with the new list.
The `mapOptional` function is a version of `map` which can throw out elements. In particular, the functional argument returns something of type `Optional b`. If this is `None`, no element is added on to the result list. If it is `Some b`, then `b` is included in the result list.
Map each element of a structure to an action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and collect the results.
Apply an applicative function to each element of a list.
Parties mapped by a specific key (or context). The textual key is the "context" which describes the value set of parties. This allows processes to add/remove parties for their specific purpose, without affecting others.
A one time only lock.
Map over both arguments at the same time. ```daml-force bimap f g ≡ first f . second g ``` Examples: ``` >>> bimap not (+1) (True, 3) (False,4) >>> bimap not (+1) (Left True) Left False >>> bimap not (+1) (Right 3) Right 4 ```
Combine the elements of a structure using a monoid.
Create a `Set` from a `Map`.
Convert a `Set` into a `Map`.
TextMap - A map is an associative array data type composed of a collection of key/value pairs such that, each possible key appears at most once in the collection.
The `TextMap a` type represents an associative array from keys of type `Text` to values of type `a`.
Map a function over each element of a list, and concatenate all the results.
`fmap` takes a function of type `a -> b`, and turns it into a function of type `f a -> f b`, where `f` is the type which is an instance of `Functor`. For example, `map` is an `fmap` that only works on lists. It takes a function `a -> b` and a `[a]`, and returns a `[b]`.