map -is:exact -is:exact -is:exact -is:exact -is:exact -is:exact -is:exact package:daml-finance

Replaces parameters in a claims using the input mapping functions. This can be used to e.g. map the time parameter in a claim from `Date` to `Time`, or to map the asset type parameter from an abstract `Text` to a concrete `InstrumentKey`.
The functor map operation _and_ also map any parameters to keys. For example, could map the param "spot" to an ISIN code "GB123456789". Also contra-maps time parameter, i.e. from relative time values to absolute ones. @ mapParams identity = bimap
Parties mapped by a specific key (or context). The textual key is the "context" which describes the value set of parties. This allows processes to add/remove parties for their specific purpose, without affecting others.
A one time only lock.